Tokyo, Japan’s vibrant capital, is a dynamic metropolis where the ultramodern intersects with the traditional. Skyscrapers in Shibuya and the historic temples of Asakusa coexist harmoniously, offering visitors a multifaceted
Tokyo, Japan’s vibrant capital, is a dynamic metropolis where the ultramodern intersects with the traditional. Skyscrapers in Shibuya and the historic temples of Asakusa coexist harmoniously, offering visitors a multifaceted
Day 8 (20 Oct 2018) : Ghibli Museum, Nakano Broadway & Tokyo Character Street Today, I have planned a whole day of Anime, Manga and J-Pop for DS and DD.
Day 9 (21 Oct 2018) – Pokémon Cafe & Eating around Tokyo Station Breakfast @ Rokurinsha Rokurinsha is a well known ramen shop in Tokyo Station serving tsukemen. It is
Day 10 (22 Oct 2018) – Around Tokyo Station (Last Day) Tokyo Metropolitan Marunouchi @ Tokyo Station We had a 5plus flight to catch on this last day. So the