Tokyo, Japan’s vibrant capital, is a dynamic metropolis where the ultramodern intersects with the traditional. Skyscrapers in Shibuya and the historic temples of Asakusa coexist harmoniously, offering visitors a multifaceted
Tokyo, Japan’s vibrant capital, is a dynamic metropolis where the ultramodern intersects with the traditional. Skyscrapers in Shibuya and the historic temples of Asakusa coexist harmoniously, offering visitors a multifaceted
In the winter of 2014, I embarked on an epic journey through central Japan and Tokyo solely relying on the country’s renowned public transportation systems. As snow delicately fell and
Our arctic journey through Japan began with our arrival at Chubu Centrair International Airport in Nagoya during the Winter 2014 Central Japan & Tokyo. We arrived at the core of
Day 2 : Miyajima to Tomonoura We woke up early and went to for a walk before the first ferry brings the day trippers. The morning was peaceful and the
Winter 2014 Central Japan & Tokyo by Trains & Buses, Day 13 (Meiji Shrine, Harajuku & Ginza) Winter 2014 Central Japan & Tokyo by Trains & Buses, Day 11 (Tokyo
South West Japan Sakura Trip, Day 8 (Osaka – Last Day) South West Japan Sakura Trip, Day 7 (Kobe & Osaka) South West Japan Sakura Trip, Day 6 (Kyoto &
Day 8 (20 Oct 2018) : Ghibli Museum, Nakano Broadway & Tokyo Character Street Today, I have planned a whole day of Anime, Manga and J-Pop for DS and DD.
Day 5 : Eastern Kyoto (Higashiyama) This morning we checked out of Sanga before we went about our sightseeing. We were changing to Matsui Honkan, another ryokan nearby that night. We
Day 3 : Tomonoura to Kyoto We woke up early again to go to the water front. We had better luck that morning and had some blue sky. Tomonoura was
Day 4 : Northern Kyoto & Arashiyama Breakfast this morning was served in the same private room by the pretty Zen garden. The usual items you find at breakfast, namely